Saturday, January 24, 2015

What Can Administrators and School Board Members Do?

As high-level leaders in education, school board members and school administrators have an important leadership role in establishing cultures of hope in our schools and classrooms.     In our recent presentations with administrators and school boards, Dr. Barr and Dr. Gibson formalized our perspective on how leaders can contribute to transforming school cultures.     

What Can School Administrators and School Boards Do To Build a Culture of Hope?

Step One: Bring Hope and Optimism to Campuses

  • Provide school/community vision of hope and optimism
  • Create a welcoming atmosphere for  poor, minority, and ESL families and students
  • Eliminate destructive practices

Step Two: Lay Foundation for Safety, Belonging, and Self-Esteem
  •  Ensure each school is safe and free from prejudice and bullying
  •  Hold district-wide high expectations for all students
  •  Establish Professional Learning Communities at each school

Step Three: Invest Deeply in Professional Development
  •  Encourage the Power of We among teachers and administrators
  •  Seek and support teacher leadership
  •  Schedule time for teachers and administrators to work together
  •  Provide professional staff development:
    •  Effects of poverty on learners
    • Importance of optimistic school cultures