Thursday, October 30, 2014

For Dropouts, Education is a Matter of Life or Death

From the field: A Culture of Hope visits Oregon...

In October, while presenting at the Northwest Network of Innovative Schools in Oregon, I had the opportunity to moderate a panel of students from a Job Corps Program, that operates out of Astoria, Oregon. This experience brought me face to face with my own stereotyped, preconceived expectations of “dropouts.” Before meeting the students, I only knew they were former dropouts now living in a residential job corps program, working on their GEDs and trade certificates. Without even thinking about it, I pictured a group of surly, tattooed “losers” who had spent their years in public schools sitting in the back row of classrooms, hoodies up, sleeping with their heads on their desks. Then I met the students and had my terrible misconceptions and unconscious stereotypes pulled right out from under me. 

Had I met any of the students in some Starbucks Coffee house, I would have assumed they were college kids or graduates now successful in some new career. The students were extremely bright and insightful. They were well dressed and well mannered and each and every one was articulate. They quite simply ripped away my misconceptions. For an educational scholar who enjoys a reputation as an authority on poverty and high risk students and who has interviewed hundreds of these students, I found myself way off base.  Far from being a group of losers, I discovered a group of excellent students working hard to find a pathway out of poverty; a group of students with not just dreams, but plans to accomplish their personal goals. Most tragic, each and every one was gaining an education in spite of the public schools that had attempted to serve them. What is important is that these students did not drop out of public school.  No, for one reason or another, they were forced out. They were forced out by policies, lack of specialized services and support or the lack of a single adult who supported them as an advocate. They were forced out by an absence of a Culture of Hope.  I’d like to introduce these students to you…

William: During his high school years William explained that he was eager to learn and highly motivated.  He had developed sophisticated computer skills on his own and he was very interested in learning more. Unfortunately, many of his classmates were loud and disruptive and he found it all but impossible to learn.  He became more and more frustrated and felt that he was just wasting his time. After leaving school, he finally found his way into the Job Corps, quickly finished his GED and is rapidly completing the trade requirements for a career in computer technology. At the conclusion of his time, the Job Corps will help him find a job in computer technology and provide him support for two years. He has definite plans to go on to college.  William needed the Seed of Purpose.

Sara: Sara was attending school and proceeding toward graduation. Unfortunately, she fell ill and had a series of operations that caused her to miss a large number of school days. Unfortunately, the school she attended in her home state of Washington, like schools in so many states, had a required attendance policy that permits student to miss only 11 days per semester. By the time Sara was able to return to school she had already been dropped from the school attendance rolls and informed that she could not return until the next semester. Realizing that she had lost all of her credit for an entire semester and would be far behind when she returned, she left school and got a job at McDonalds. Sara was very fortunate; so many young teenage girls who drop out of school are preyed upon by older men and become pregnant.  When a teenager has a child, it is highly likely that she will have a second child before the age of 21 and be in some type of welfare program for the rest of her life. Somehow Sara escaped that possible fate. Her doctor, who cared for her during her long illness, became concerned about Sara and became her advocate. The doctor recognized what an able student Sara had been and helped her get accepted into the Job Corps. Sara is majoring in Business/Office Skills and is almost finished with her GED. The doctor has promised Sara a job as a receptionist in her office once Sara completes her GED and Vocational Certificate. Sara said, “That doctor believed in me and I could not let her down.”  Sara needed the Seeds of Place and Belonging. 

John: John was a good student and progressing successfully toward graduation. During his junior year he was called to the counselor’s office and told that there had been a mistake during his middle school years and that he had failed to take two required courses. This meant that he could not graduate until he had completed the courses. They explained that it appeared to be a bookkeeping mistake in the middle school counselor’s office and that in order to take the courses he would have to pay tuition. He was told the tuition would be $200. He did not know where he would find the money to complete the middle school courses and no one suggested any way he could resolve the problem. He walked into the Counselor’s office a successful student, and he walked out and left school and never returned. Bitter and angry, he had a difficult time adjusting to life outside of school. Unable to find a good job, he finally learned about the Job Corps and was successful in gaining admission to the program. John has completed his GED and is almost finished with his Culinary Arts vocational certificate. He has already been exploring job opportunities and knows that he has an excellent job waiting when he completes the Job Corps program. His goal is to gain employment with a cruise line and work in the tourist industry either on board a cruise ship or a resort. His long term plan is to complete one of the Chef Training programs in Portland, Oregon and someday, maybe have his own restaurant.  John needed the Seeds of Pride and Self-Esteem.

Sam: Sam was an average student who failed a few courses along the way through middle and high school. He finally got so far behind on his graduation credits that he realized that “he would be about 35 years old before he could finish high school”. No one at the school talked to him about the GED Option Program or completing high school as part of a program at the local community college. The state of Oregon has an unusually policy that works well for students like Sam but no one communicated the options to Sam. If a student graduates from high school, the student has to pay tuition to attend the state’s community colleges. However, if a student completes a GED, they can receive state support to attend community college courses tuition free until they achieve a high school diploma. No one bothered to explain this to Sam or to explore any reasonable options for his education.  Frustrated, he simply left school and started working part time jobs. He was admitted to Job Corps and is completing his GED and vocational certification in Construction. Sam needed the Seed of Optimism.

Isaiah: Isaiah had held on and stayed in school in spite of a very difficult home situation. While never going into specifics, he explained that he felt a huge responsibility for his brothers and sisters. As the oldest child, he tried to protect them and provide for them in spite of unfortunate family problems. It finally became too much. No one at school seemed to care about him or his difficult home life or the needs of his brothers and sisters. He kept working part-time and going to school as long as he could, but finally it all became too much. He dropped out of school and went to work. Isaiah knew he was a good student and realized he was on a dead-end pathway. While never describing what happened to his siblings, Isaiah gained admittance to the Job Corps and the residential program proved to provide just the type of support and stability that he needed. He has finished his GED, and is almost finished with his vocational certificate as an electrician. He will move directly into a job and a union training program and his financial future looks very good. He explains that he will then be able to help his brothers and sisters.  Isaiah needed the Seed of Purpose.

The stories of these five students dramatize the failure of public education to provide the support and services that so many students need. Without Optimism, Place, Pride, and Purpose, good students are failed by the system.  These students’ stories also showcase the need for educational options like Job Corps.  Too often school policies hinder rather than help needy students and far too often schools simply do not provided the necessary services to help keep students in school. School counselors work primarily with students going on to college and too often provide little help for struggling students, despite the numerous resources available. Most public schools do not even know when a student drops out of school and given the pressures on schools to report on student assessment scores, too often schools are not terribly concerned when marginal student or students far behind academically leave prior to graduation. 

Public schools too often simply do not assist students in exploring careers or learning about the vast options available in alternative school programs, on line learning, and vocational and community colleges certification programs. 
 Today, almost 25% of all students drop out of school--approximately a million students each year. For poor and minority students, the dropout percentages are more than twice that. For the dropouts who do not find their way back into school, the door of opportunity is slammed shut and most will live out their lives unemployed, underemployed, or tragically unemployable. Sadly, many dropouts fall into drug and alcohol abuse and enter a “pipeline to prison” that all but terminates their potential for a good life. The brutal reality is how so many of these students are academically able, and with even modest support and encouragement they could be successful in school and plot a reasonable pathway to a good life in their community. It rests on our schools to provide the education and the Seeds of Hope necessary, so they can have hope for a decent life.  For the dropout, education is a matter of “life and death.”
--Bob Barr, Oregon, October 2014 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Power of We: The Belize Education Project

In the middle of October, 33 educators (with a few support professionals), traveled to the Cayo district of Belize for a week to work with teachers, administrators, and children in four elementary schools.  This is the Belize Education Project.   I was fortunate to be able to participate in this experience, and see first hand the Power of We, reaching across the miles to educators in Belize...

Belize is a small country (less than 9,000 square miles, or a bit smaller than the state of Massachusetts), located below the Yucatan Peninsula, on the Caribbean Sea.    We were working in schools around San Ignacio, just east of the Guatemala border. 

One of the schools, morning assembly...

In The Culture of Hope,  Bob and I talk about the Power of We as the support that educators give each other.  The effects of working in high-poverty, high-need schools are real, and it is difficult to surmount the effects without support from colleagues. Especially in a country with very little infrastructure, knowledge, and resources for improving education. The Belize Education Project (BEP) provides that support, in a beautiful way.  For eight years, teachers from Colorado have flown to Belize for a week in October to work with schools, and flown teachers from Belize to Colorado in April.  During those eight years, the classrooms have gone from barren dark rooms to bright, lively, active places.  The teachers who travel to Colorado for professional development return, infused with knowledge and hope, which they share with their peers.

While I have many memories from this week, I want to share stories about two teachers I had the pleasure to meet: Miss A and Mr. W.    

"Miss A" is a young, bright teacher of early primary children. Her students delight in being with her, and clearly respect her.  Miss A reminded me of a sponge.... everything I said or did, she soaked up, thought about, and asked me numerous questions.  I read a story to the class, and after I sat down in a chair and noticed a few students surreptitiously scooting forward to be closer, I said, "Anyone who wants to move closer, please come!"  They clustered around in a cozy pack, and I read on. Miss A, when she saw this, said, "I never would have thought of that.  I often felt they were too far away, and losing focus, when I read to them.  But we didn't have a rug or place to gather together, so I didn't do anything.  But this. We can do this!"

Reading the class book, "The Agouti and the Coyote," for the 4th time....
Working with Miss A reinforced for me the notion that collaboration can have a significant impact when professionals are allowed to discuss real kids, without an agenda.   When I discovered that many students confused the names of English vowels with the names of Spanish vowels (The official language in Belize is English, but about 50% of the students are ESL students who have immigrated from Guatemala), I worked with the class to build a chart with the vowel names in English and Spanish. Then  I made up a quick game with groups of 5 students assigned to the vowels. When I said a word with one vowel, the students assigned to that vowel stood up.  They quickly got the game and enjoyed popping up. When students stood up for the wrong vowel, we could talk about why (Oh!  You were thinking the Spanish letter! What is the English letter?) and they could self-correct.  Miss A thought the game was wonderful, and other BEP folks reported seeing the game in action when they visited her room. Reflecting later, Miss A talked about ways she could use the game for other content.

Miss A and Class
 I felt highly honored by Miss A's trust and desire to collaborate as colleagues.  At the end of the day on Thursday, she said, "I could not sleep last night, I was thinking so much.   I was thinking about what you have been doing and saying, and I realize that we do not expect enough from our children.  We Belize teachers are products of this education system, and we do the same thing we were taught.. It is not enough. They will not do more than we expect, and we expect too little!  I want to expect more, so they will do more."  I wish Miss A all my best as she charges forward into the future.  Her students will shine.

The other Story I wish to share is about Mr. W, a young teacher of early primary students.  He has gone to Colorado to work with BEP teachers for a week, and he is clearly highly motivated and enthusiastic about teaching well. Though I did not get to work in Mr. W's classroom, he was in the group I supported for after school professional development during the week. On the last day, Mr. W pulled me aside with a list of questions he had for me about different resources. Specifically, he wanted help in determining what to teach after doing detailed literacy assessments.  Once he had the information, he wasn't sure what lessons to do or how to create center activities.  We went through a variety of resources, including the Florida Center for Reading Research curriculum, which is designed for centers.  He took my email address, and I hope he will contact me to talk more.  Again, I was impressed with this teacher's eagerness to collaborate and confer. It is a thirstiness, shared by Miss A, Miss E (another teacher I was able to work with, pictured at the end of this post) and the other teachers I met in Belize.  A thirstiness evident in the children, too, so hungry to learn, to belong, to have purpose.

Student with page from "Anansi and the Stone" book.

Student with page from "Anansi and the Stone" book.


The Power of We is brought to Belize by this group of concerned and dedicated educators from Colorado. My experience in Belize has opened my eyes to the possibilities of the Power of We, far greater than my original perception of teachers within a school or district supporting each other.  As educators, we have the opportunity to reach across districts, states, and nations to connect with each other.   No act, however small, occurs in isolation, and you can never know who will be impacted down the road.    How can you reach out to help another teacher?  Maybe be an email buddy, or have your class be penpals with a class from a Title I school. Maybe your school wants to adopt a "sister school" in another place (reservation school? inner city school? poor rural school? school in Central America?).  The possibilities are endless, and its a guarantee that you'll get as much if not more from the experience.  

Hope is Contagious. Go infect someone!

Miss E and Students

Friday, October 10, 2014

Growing Hope in Denton, TX, Part II: Leadership

Here is Part II of Bob Barr's reflections on the work being done in Title I schools in Denton, Tx.  Bob worked with the schools during the 2010-2011 school year.  The schools of Denton ISD factored into the development of the Culture of Hope, and many vignettes and author's journal entries in the book featured Denton schools.   Enjoy....

Visionary Leadership:Anyone who works in high-poverty schools knows the importance of leadership in turning schools around and keeping schools turned around.  It takes visionary leadership, and a strong commitment to working with staffs.  

 As a group, the principals in the Denton ISD are among the most impressive that I have ever worked with.  In each of the schools, the principals had mobilized their school staffs around a bold vision of “all students learning and achieving high standards of excellence.”  Where I was able to observe, I found that the principals had also instituted strong accountability measures regarding this vision.  A number of principals shared stories regarding the difficult task of teacher evaluation and systems of support to improve instructional response.  Principals also shared stories of counseling teachers who were not performing effectively with low-income/Latino students to consider other professional opportunities.

Most impressive regarding the Title I principals were their ability to encourage and support creativity among their school staff.  In this post, I have identified a number of innovative efforts at making schools more interesting, more exciting, and more effective.  I have rarely seen effective leadership in such evidence.

·       High Expectations for All Learners: One principal described her classroom evaluation of one of her most effective teachers, working with one of the schools most demanding groups of students.  “How can I describe this teacher?” the principal asked.  “It was like watching a 16-wheel Mac truck grinding up a long hill. And when some students continued to struggle, the teacher did not slow down or stop; it was like she just kept downshifting and pushing forward and upward with more and more energy.  You just knew that all of the students were going to make it to the ‘top’ academically.”
·       Belonging and Place: Ryan Elementary, a poster in the staff restroom was titled: “What We Love About Ryan,” and teachers and staff members had handwritten their thoughts all around the poster.  Sharing their feelings about the topic, the theme of the notes all focused on “when we need help, it is always available” with specific examples of the nature of particular efforts of assistance.  When ready assistance is part of the culture of a school, teachers are free to focus on more important matters, like the students working in their classes. 

·       One Caring Adult: At Hodge Elementary, I observed the principal meeting with a student who had been reprimanded earlier in the day for being a “bully.”  In the midst of the discussion with the student, the principal was interrupted by an important phone call.  While the principal talked on the phone, the student opened one of the books that was stacked in front of him on the table.  It happened to be one of my books, Saving Our Students, Saving Our Schools. He noticed that one of the chapters dealt with “bullying," and he quickly became engrossed in the section. When the principal completed her call, she smiled and asked, "Would you like to have that book to read?"   The student looked up, and replied, "Oh, yes, please."   When the principal dismissed him back to class, he tucked the book in his backpack and left.     
     The next day, while we toured the school, the principal and I walked down to the student’s classroom. In the hallway, the principal introduced me as the author of Saving Our Students..., and asked if he had read any more of the book.  He retrieved his backpack and pulled out his copy of my book, handing it to me.  I was amazed to see that the chapter on bullying had been underlined and highlighted, with notes in the margins.   We talked a bit about what he had learned, and we shook hands before he went back to class.  

In the ensuing months, the student continued to meet with the principal to work on his difficulties.  The principal provides consistent one-on-one time with the student, even serving as a go-between so the student and I could confer as reader to author via email.  

--Bob Barr